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Control emotions, improve sleep with meditation
2712 - 2021

Control emotions, improve sleep with meditation

Meditation is a relaxation technique that has the ability to improve sleep quality, help maintain a calm state of mind, when you meditate a series of physiological changes will occur in a positive direction.

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Hello peaceful season, hello the winter sleep
2312 - 2021

Hello peaceful season, hello the winter sleep

Dear Valued Customers!

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How dangerous is sleep apnea?
2012 - 2021

How dangerous is sleep apnea?

Sleep apnea is a disease, not a natural phenomenon of the body, this syndrome brings many troubles not only to those around but also to the sufferer himself. Although sleep apnea only occurs for a short time for a few seconds and repeats many times, it has the potential to cause many complications to the brain, heart, lungs, kidneys, etc.

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How to control dreams?
1712 - 2021

How to control dreams?

Dreams are one of those experiences that are somewhat confusing but also very interesting, in dreams all real-life logic can be broken, human emotions are pushed to the climax and everything becomes infinite. It's even better when you can take control of your dream and make it your own enjoyable experience. But how to control dreams when the mind is falling asleep?

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4 simple tips to increase the life of your mattress
1012 - 2021

4 simple tips to increase the life of your mattress

During your life's journey, sleep takes up one third your time, which means you will be attached to your beloved bed for as long, but we usually only change the mattress a few times, so keeping them clean and having specific solutions to prolong the life of the mattress is extremely necessary.

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How important is early life sleep for a baby?
612 - 2021

How important is early life sleep for a baby?

Sleep is closely related to a baby's physical & brain development during the first three years of life. Children with poor quality sleep at this stage are often fussy, irritable, distracted, and have poor learning ability.

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