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Three great uses of aloe vera for women
307 - 2019

Three great uses of aloe vera for women

Aloe vera is a succulent plant originates from the Arabian Peninsula but grows wild in tropical climates around the world and is cultivated for agricultural and medicinal uses. It is found in many consumer products including beverages, skin lotion, cosmetics, or ointments for minor burns and sunburns. There is scientific evidence for the effectiveness or safety of Aloe vera extract as a cosmetic or medicine.

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Choose pillow according to lying position to get a better sleep
287 - 2019

Choose pillow according to lying position to get a better sleep

Pillows and sleeping postures have a close relationship with each other. A pillow suitable with sleeping posture will help you experience a full deep sleep and avoid neck pain when you wake up.

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Sleep tight… My little angel!
267 - 2019

Sleep tight… My little angel!

Looking at you beaming at the baby cradle and carefree playing with lovely toys makes me feel like the happiest mother in the world. With you by my side, my life becomes more interesting, every journey on your side, I feel like returning to the bright, carefree moments, without any troubles.

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Big plant grow from a tiny seed  Good mattress... starting from natural materials
247 - 2019

Big plant grow from a tiny seed Good mattress... starting from natural materials

Anything that exists in life has a starting point from nature. For example, the sweet fruit on the tree, the blue water from the sea, or the mattress from natural latex you lay on every night.

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Sleep like the good old day
227 - 2019

Sleep like the good old day

The more we grow up, the more we forget the feeling of having a good sleep. Work, life, and money-making efforts make many people lose their peace every night. Then you suddenly wish, if only you could get better sleep every night.

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Don’t miss out this pillow for car interior
207 - 2019

Don’t miss out this pillow for car interior

For drivers who often have to travel long distances, a pillow with a backrest or headrest on the car will be a useful assistant for you.

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I am the mattress! My job is to lull you to sleep
187 - 2019

I am the mattress! My job is to lull you to sleep

Meals and sleep play an essential role in everyone's life. Eating well, sleeping quality will contribute to reducing illness, improving quality of life, and helping you have more positive experiences every day.

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167 - 2019


On Sunday morning (July 14, 2019) Diamond Mattress Trading - Manufacturing Co., Ltd. held a ceremony to commend and reward the children of workers and employees with outstanding achievement in the academic year of 2018 - 2019.

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Love Is More Than Words
147 - 2019

Love Is More Than Words

Love is not just a words; it is also about caring and sharing, empathy in the same home.

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Your body speaks to you. Don't ignore it.
127 - 2019

Your body speaks to you. Don't ignore it.

Every night lying on the bed and listening to the "whining" of the body through dull pain, you still consider nothing happening and continue to endure day after day. Don't be indifferent to yourself like that!

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Features inside the best selling mattress at Diamond Mattress
107 - 2019

Features inside the best selling mattress at Diamond Mattress

Since its first launch in late 2018, Diamond 5’Zone Aloe has genuinely created a trend in the Vietnamese bedding products market. Appears on every channel of Diamond Mattress and being ordered by more than 2000 agents and consumers across the country. So what's unique about this product that many people choose to buy it?

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Benefits when lying on 7’Zone mattress
87 - 2019

Benefits when lying on 7’Zone mattress

Our body consists of many different parts with a specific weight, which can be divided into 7 key areas, including head, neck, shoulders, back, hips, thighs, and legs. Every day, we spend most of our time standing or sitting at work, only when the night comes, our body can relax, so choosing the right mattress is especially important for our health.

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Diamond Mattress is honored to be the sponsor of the 8th International Three-Cushion Billiards tournament of Binh Duong, BECAMEX IJC - NUMBER 1 Cup 2019
67 - 2019

Diamond Mattress is honored to be the sponsor of the 8th International Three-Cushion Billiards tournament of Binh Duong, BECAMEX IJC - NUMBER 1 Cup 2019

Organized for the first time in 2012, the 8th International Three-Cushion Billiards tournament of Binh Duong will continue to be broadcasted by Binh Duong Radio and Television Station, Department of Culture - Sports and Tourism of Binh Duong Province and Billiards & snooker department of Vietnam General Department of Sports and Physical Education. This year, Diamond Mattress is honored to be one of the sponsors for this season.

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4 Principles of Interior Design
47 - 2019

4 Principles of Interior Design

As the owner of the house, you will surely want to reserve the best design ideas for your living space. But if you are not a designer, mastering these four principles will help a lot for your ideal living space.

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