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Detoxify your body with Diamond 5'Zone Aloe
2610 - 2019

Detoxify your body with Diamond 5'Zone Aloe

With women, just take care of the outside appearance is not enough; science has proven the internal factors that determine the freshness and quality of a person's health.

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2410 - 2019


Did you know, over the past 9️ years, more than 2500 highly skilled workers and employees are still working hard every day for your sleep. the showrooms system and more than 2000 distributors across the country are open every day for you to seek a good sleep.

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Live modern – Not reluctant to rest well
2210 - 2019

Live modern – Not reluctant to rest well

Insomnia, anxiety, depression... have become common problems in modern society. Economic development helps to improve living standards, but it also entails many other mental and health consequences. If you can't handle the pressure, you'll be stuck with anxiety and long-term insomnia.

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Be yourself. Be beautiful
2010 - 2019

Be yourself. Be beautiful

Every woman in the world can be beautiful knowing how to take care of herself properly, because "beautiful women always have gifts" so be yourself and be as beautiful as you can be!

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Recreate childhood with attic bedroom style
1810 - 2019

Recreate childhood with attic bedroom style

Most of the attic space in Vietnamese houses are often used as a place of worship or storage, but you can completely turn this narrow area into a place to recreate your childhood with lovely attic bedroom design.

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Proper sleeping positions during pregnancy
1610 - 2019

Proper sleeping positions during pregnancy

The period of pregnancy until childbirth is extremely important for women and needs to be cared for properly, not only in the diet and rest but even sleeping position also needs special care to avoid affecting the development of the fetus in the abdomen.

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Lucky number 9
1410 - 2019

Lucky number 9

As a symbol of dreams and longevity that people towards, number 9 appears to bring good spiritual value to many nations and peoples and is one of the numbers with special significance in mathematics.

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Sleep Disorders - Therapy for Sleep Disorders
1210 - 2019

Sleep Disorders - Therapy for Sleep Disorders

Anyone of us at least one faced sleep disorder at least once in our life. Sleep disorders not only seriously affect health and well-being but also cause many dangerous diseases, so what is the solution to improve this situation?

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How is the polyphasic sleep applied by celebrities?
1010 - 2019

How is the polyphasic sleep applied by celebrities?

Instead of spending 7 to 8 hours a day sleeping, many famous people in history have applied the Polyphasic Sleep method to have more time for their work and research activities.

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Avoid illness with bedroom feng shui tips.
810 - 2019

Avoid illness with bedroom feng shui tips.

Feng shui is science, not a belief; the application of feng shui in life has a great meaning to your chi, health as well as the fortune of the homeowner. More specially, you can also stay away from disease by setting your bed, adjusting the feng shui bed orientation.

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Learn how to nap effectively with Diamond Mattress
610 - 2019

Learn how to nap effectively with Diamond Mattress

As society grows, the time spent on activities increases exponentially, leaving many people with no time to sleep. Sleep deprivation has become one of the severe problems. So, in order to the 24-hour time of the day is not wasted and is used effectively for work, many scientists and geniuses in the world have conducted research give birth to the first sleep formulas.

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410 - 2019


Dear valued customers, partners.

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Hide you inside the chaos
210 - 2019

Hide you inside the chaos

October comes, the rain hurriedly, the flow of peoples go home after work continued after each other. October comes, hiding all the chaos, worries in nostalgia...

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What each of the zodiac signs dream about everynight
309 - 2019

What each of the zodiac signs dream about everynight

Dreams come from experiences, the connection of the mind with real images during sleep. Dreams bring many interesting contemplations to life, whether it be an omen, an event that happened in the past or just the person you are longing for.

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