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Diamond Mattress is honored to be the sponsor of the 8th International Three-Cushion Billiards tournament of Binh Duong, BECAMEX IJC - NUMBER 1 Cup 2019
67 - 2019

Diamond Mattress is honored to be the sponsor of the 8th International Three-Cushion Billiards tournament of Binh Duong, BECAMEX IJC - NUMBER 1 Cup 2019

Organized for the first time in 2012, the 8th International Three-Cushion Billiards tournament of Binh Duong will continue to be broadcasted by Binh Duong Radio and Television Station, Department of Culture - Sports and Tourism of Binh Duong Province and Billiards & snooker department of Vietnam General Department of Sports and Physical Education. This year, Diamond Mattress is honored to be one of the sponsors for this season.

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4 Principles of Interior Design
47 - 2019

4 Principles of Interior Design

As the owner of the house, you will surely want to reserve the best design ideas for your living space. But if you are not a designer, mastering these four principles will help a lot for your ideal living space.

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Live slowly - Sleep organic - Eat quality
27 - 2019

Live slowly - Sleep organic - Eat quality

Many of us are trapped in the crazy cycle of life, waking up - working - going to sleep and repeat that loop every day. Gradually, you begin to get tired, dissatisfied with everything, and frustrated with your job. If only time could slow down a bit, you and I had more time to enjoy this beautiful life. Don't wait any longer, live slowly today, enjoy organic sleep, and eat quality for your own health.

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How worthwhile is your youth?
306 - 2019

How worthwhile is your youth?

Have you ever heard the young people around you whining about life? They say their lives are boring; there is nothing to do and do not know where to start. And because they do not know who they are, what they should do, they choose to kill time in such small pleasures, play for days and months, or immerse in love or lazy sleep. After all, how worthwhile is your youth to waste like that?

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Home sweet home
286 - 2019

Home sweet home

The rich or the poor, the successful or the failure, the smart or the foolish... in the end still need a home to return. Indeed, life will become lonely and tedious when the house is only home without the warmth of the family there.

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The way mother nature relieve your pain
266 - 2019

The way mother nature relieve your pain

Just like the way time does its tasks, slowly step by step ... Every day, the natural essence distilled in massage mattress is still working hard to soothe every pain in your body, gently support you to find beautiful rest.

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Homestay bedroom at the best cost
246 - 2019

Homestay bedroom at the best cost

Homestay business service has just been around for the past 2-3 years, but it is enough to see its attractiveness for young people. Many new homestay business models were born in turn and created a new craze; investors who intend to invest in this type of service should not miss the following information.

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Diamond mattress launch boxed latex pillow with a brand new appearance
226 - 2019

Diamond mattress launch boxed latex pillow with a brand new appearance

This summer, welcoming “a new wind” of Diamond Mattress with 2 versions of the compact and impressive boxed Luxury Pillow.

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Industrial revolution 4.0 - A breakthrough for the sleep care industry
206 - 2019

Industrial revolution 4.0 - A breakthrough for the sleep care industry

As the ideas for good sleep are gradually saturated, the breakthrough of 4.0 technology has brought to the sleep industry bold new changes.

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Diamond 5’Zone ALoe - Inspiration for a modern house.
186 - 2019

Diamond 5’Zone ALoe - Inspiration for a modern house.

The harmonious combination of nature and interior is the inspiration for the living space of modern houses. Nature is an essential part that cannot be separated from life. Bringing nature into the house is to deliver quality life to the home.

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166 - 2019


In contrast to the sweetness of mother, dad always plays a big man who speaks little and sometimes is stern with your mistakes. But do you ever understand that the toughness comes from the pressure to become a strong pillar of the family? This made the expression of father's feelings became clumsy, and sometimes you may think he is heartless.

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Diamond Luxury – Refined by nature
146 - 2019

Diamond Luxury – Refined by nature

From deep down in the ground, gradually growing into a young tree, experiencing the harsh climate, getting bigger and bigger, the workers diligently filter out the purest rubber drops to cast into this Diamond Luxury mattress.

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Did you know? The dream is the origin of many great discoveries.
126 - 2019

Did you know? The dream is the origin of many great discoveries.

It is surprising that Einstein's great career comes from his experiences of a dream from childhood...

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The scary truth behind the poor quality baby mattresses
106 - 2019

The scary truth behind the poor quality baby mattresses

For healthy adults, sleeping on a poor quality mattress will not affect their physical condition much. But for children, especially infants, cheap mattresses made of broken rubber or other waste materials will have a negative impact on health, especially the development of children in the future.

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